ഖത്തറുമായി അതിർത്തി പങ്കിടുന്ന രാജ്യങ്ങളിലേക്കൊരു യാത്ര

Qatar is surrounded by the Arabian Gulf on three sides. Qatar shares a land border only with Saudi Arabia. In addition, Qatar’s location is very close to many other countries. Traveling to Qatar bordering countries is a journey of diverse experiences such as history, modernity, and natural beauty. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is the only […]

320 ഭക്ഷണ സാമ്പിളുകൾ ശേഖരിച്ച് പരിശോധന നടത്തി ; ആരോഗ്യ മന്ത്രാലയം വ്യവസായ മേഖലയിലെ മുഴുവൻ റെസ്റ്റോറന്റുകളും പരിശോധിച്ചു

The Ministry of Health (MoPH) inspects all restaurants and cafes in the industry to ensure compliance with the required standards for food safety. Food preparation and handling methods were carefully examined during the inspection. The Ministry of Health also ensured that the establishments are taking necessary steps to ensure food safety. During the campaign, we […]

ഖത്തറിൽ വീടുകളിലേക്കുള്ള മരുന്ന് ഡെലിവറി സർവീസ് ജനപ്രിയമാകുന്നു


Home medicine delivery services are gaining traction in the health sector in Qatar. In 2024, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) and Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) delivered nearly 60,000 doses of medicines to households. In this service jointly run by HMC and PHCC, apart from medicines, medical reports and medical equipment are also delivered to homes. […]
